Apples On Oak

Molly's Delicious

Varieties/Picking Times
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Molly's Delicious is blushing of red skin over a green backround.  It is a large conical fruit in shape.  The apple is sweet, crisp, and juicy, with a perfumed white flesh. 


* Excellent for snacking.
* Bakes nicely in pies and apple crisp.

Molly's Delicious ripens in late August and into early September.
For more interesting information click the link.

This apple was introduced in 1966.  The tree is slightly disease resistance to apple scab.  It should not to be confused with Red Delicious strains, but having a more unique complex flavor with a juicy crisp flesh.  The apple is mostly red with light yellowish/green background.  The fruit tends to hang on the tree in clusters.  It stores for about 10 weeks in refrigeration (as close to 32 degrees as possible).